Blog 8
Hi everyone! This is the last blog, time goes by very fast! My experience learning English at university has been very entertaining, I think I have been able to increase my knowledge of English in a good way, I have also trusted more in myself when I have to speak something in English because before I was very ashamed and with practice I feel that I can do it with more confidence! Regarding blogging, in the last semester, I felt that doing a lot of activities for a very small percentage, but in reality, it has helped me a lot to be able to practice writing and reading, also that some topics of the blogs were very fun and interesting to know a little more to my classmates and teacher! I would like to improve my pronunciation and reading a little more, I plan to do it by watching videos and movies in English, also practicing my pronunciation, and expanding my reading in English. Lately, English is very present in my life because I have some acquaintances who find it difficult to speak Sp...